A Vegan Chicken Shop?
by Paolo Ventrone
on 03/01/2017
This month see’s the launch of a brand new chicken shop in Hackney, London. Temple of Seitan, a former street food vendor is aiming for a slice of the ever-popular UK chicken sales market, which has undoubtedly been monopolised traditionally by KFC and Nandos.
This chicken shop also has a neat little difference – it’s not really chicken. TOS uses a meat substitute called Seitan (made from wheat gluten), which is moulded, coated and fried.
TOS announced to famous food blogger Fat Gay Vegan: ‘In January 2017, we’ll be opening London’s (and maybe the world’s!) 1st 100% vegan chicken shop.
Another meat substitute company ‘Quorn Foods’ has been a great success story in the UK market which was no mean feat in itself. Perhaps their success has paved the way for other meat substitute food companies to open up shop.
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Images courtesy of Temple of Seitan.